August 9, 2023

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #261 Work in Progress

“Life is a work in progress” – Jeff Rich

Ann-Christine is our host this week and she has selected a topic everyone can relate to, Work in Progress. As she says, everything is a work in progress!

A work in process is evident in our household now as my husband and I are training our eight month old American Cocker Spaniel, Tucker, to become a good citizen! The good news is things are going well; he has a wonderful disposition and is a quick learner. The not so good news is our trainer says he is going through a puppy adolescent stage which will probably last several more months, Ugh. (As a side note, I was surprised to see how much information is out there about this common dog behavior and how it is referred to as a “teenage” phrase some young dogs go through.  (The Farmer’s 

Each Saturday the three of us, (Tucker, my husband and myself) attend his six-week beginners’ obedience class; today will be our third class. Then there are the daily training sessions which tend to be ‘interesting’ since Bentley (the ten-year-old) wants to participate in the training and show Tucker how ‘come’, ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘stay’, ‘walk’ commands are supposed to be done. He’s smart and knows he can also earn a few treats by helping Tucker make the right moves. So far this is working out nicely since Bentley is Tuckers hero. Below, Tucker is happily chewing on his training leash!

“A work-in-progress generates its own energy field. You, the artist or entrepreneur, are pouring love into the work; you are suffusing it with passion and intention and hope.” – Steven Pressfield

Another work in progress is a personal one. I often enjoy experimenting with an ok picture and see if I can improve it and making create a fine art photograph. For example, when looking at the original picture below I envisioned it being a different color pallet.

Once the editing was complete, it is easy to see the individual curled-up fronds, or “Fiddleheads”.  I think the growth of ferns each spring is a beautiful work in progress as each leaf slowly unfurls and opens up.

“When nature has work to be done, she creates a genius to do it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The last example of a work in progress is when parents in the wild, or anywhere, assume the role of raising healthy little ones and also teaching them how to survive on their own.

Hope you have enjoyed seeing these images and be sure to check out Ann-Christine’s post by clicking here


“People don’t always remember what you said or even what you do, but they always remember how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou


2 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #261 Work in Progress

  1. Thank you, A-C. We got Tucker after Bentley’s brother passed away and now Bentley behaves like a six year old, playing all the time. Yes, that is a White Egret with the chicks and so glad you like this quote, it is one of my favorites also.

  2. Ah, so you have got a new little sweetie! A work in progress indeed, and you have got a great helper in Bentley. So beautiful dogs you have with shining coats – Milo (lagottos) don’t have shining coats because they are too curly I think. Your fronds look beautiful and the bird (egret?) is a wonder. Love your quotte from MA as well. I will keep it.

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