May 17, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #148 Spots and Dots

Dots are defined as a small round mark and Spots are a small roundish mark, differing in color or texture from the surface around it.  One place where I often see round shapes is on the beach when waves leave behind lovely soft areas of air bubbles which slowly disappear.  The morning sunlight is accenting these bubbles and the sand which gives the area a lovely glow.  (Double clicking on the image shows off the colors.)

Another example is some of the tiles in an American Mah Jongg set.  It consist of 144 tiles which includes three suits (totalling 36 tiles each).  The suits are called Dots, Bams, and Craks.  Below is a winning hand showing six consecutive pairs of Dots! 

Large fluffy snowflakes are falling at night.  Maine is known for its heavy winter snow storms and this one from several years ago is no exception!  

Owl butterflies (Caligo brasiliensis) are recognized by the huge eyespots on their wings which resemble owl eyes.  Since they are nocturnal, this disguise is their defense against predators during daylight hours.

The yellow flower head or floral disc on daisies look like a perfectly shaped circle.

These green plants are growing on sand dunes beside the Atlantic Ocean at Kiawah Island.  Since the fog was dense this particular morning, round water droplets coated everything in sight.

I felt compelled to feature this last whimsical picture which shows big circular eyes and water bubbles.😉  This fish decal was pasted on a window in the 360 Restaurant in the CN Revolving Tower in Toronto.  We were having a wonderful dinner with our friends as this image “floated” by our table!

Hope you enjoyed seeing these pictures and thank you for visiting my post!

Ann-Christian is our host this week and the Dots and Spots she shows are so colorful and terrific.  Be sure to check it out!