May 26, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #149 Blue and Green

Blue and Green colors can be calming and relaxing as well as exciting and vibrant.  The good news it they can be found most everywhere in unexpected places.

 “Green calm below, Blue quietness above” – John Greenleaf Whittier

Tina is hosting this week and she wants us to “return to the color wheel and its cooler members, which include blue (primary) green (secondary) and blue-green or blue-violet aka purple (tertiary)….Simply explore the many ways the cooler colors appear in our world.”

My banner shot shows a set of coasters I purchased a couple of months ago.  Image my delight when noticing the lovely shades of blue and green – maybe that is what attracted my attention in the first place.

This first image was taken from the cliff on Marginal Way in Maine overlooking Ogunquit Beach.  The area was enveloped with fog at the time which caused the sky to have such pale blue tones.

A beautiful sunny Florida sky is framing a row of palm trees beside the water in a shopping center as a pair of Mute swans quietly swim below.  This is a water reflection (horizontally rotated when edited), thereby creating an interesting texture and design.

More blue sky and this time tall oak and pine trees are in the foreground.  Vertical panning with the camera created these bended colors.

Delicate marsh grasses with the sun reflected on the water are frequently seen around Kiawah Island, SC.

Yoga anyone?  This metal frog structure is showing off her skills by exhibiting the Lord of the Dancer Pose or Natarajasana in front of several shops in Kiawah. 

Disney World in Orlando, Florida, is filled with happy, vibrant colors everywhere you look – buildings, landscaping, decorations and of course, balloons!  No wonder children love it and everyone seems so happy.

This is a picture of an old canvas carry bag I use and have had around for many years – it seems to be indestructible.  During a conversation, a close friend suggested it could be an example of how nicely blue and green colors work together and how often they are seen everyday. 🙂

Be sure to see Tina’s post (Travels and Trifles) showing the many shades of blue and green she has encountered from her travels.  

Hope you enjoyed seeing these pictures and thank you for visiting my post!