August 28, 2018

COLORFUL: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

What is it about color that can make you happy or sad, relaxed or energized?  For the photo challenge this week Tina suggested showing happy colors and images.  Hopefully a few of the pictures selected will bring a smile to your face and brighten your day!


“Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.” ∼  Allen Klein


This overjoyed alligator looks ready to grab someone walking by the local restaurant so he can treat them a delicious meal!  Don’t you love his colorful outfit with it’s matching bowtie?  His orange coloring makes him appear quite flamboyant and lively, hard to stroll by without taking a second look!.  He was waiting on the corner of 3rd Avenue S & 8th Street S in Naples, Florida a few years ago. The plaque at the base says his name is Dabba Doo, created by Karen Koestner.



Wouldn’t you say this Cow has a flair for elegance; sweeping eyelashes, matching makeup with a small mole on her cheek along with dangling earrings, strappy shoes and body tat by her left shoulder. Out for a night on the town!  Actually, this Cow sculpture was one of the many designed by numerous local artists and statically placed all over Boston in 2006.  They were later sold at auction to benefit The Jimmy Fund, an  organization dedicated to raising money to help with the fight against cancer.  Additional images of these Cows will probably be posted later on; each one has its own unique colorful design.



Recently in Boston with friends, we wandered into the food court area at Copley Square Mall and were surprised to be “greeted” by such a vivid, happy scene.  This large space was filled with brightly colored, dangling paper fruit slices suspended from the ceiling!  I decided to have some fun with the original image and edited it using a Monet design from Topaz Impression software.  

The same image except used Photoshop to creating this vivid abstract design.    



“It’s ok to show all your colors.”  ∼  Luis Guzman

Needless to say, seeing these colorful shoes made me smile.  Wonder what these two gentlemen are like – happy, enjoying life and perhaps want to share their enthusiasm with others?  They were in a museum causally sitting on a bench talking with each other.


 “Life is about using the whole box of crayons.”  ∼  Rupaul