March 5, 2020


This week Patti wants us to feature pictures taken from different perspectives, or angles, of a subject instead of standing in front of it and taking the shot at eye level.  Perhaps spending a little extra time exploring the subject from different angles. Get down low and look up or move up high and check out the view looking down, or maybe move laterally to include or exclude other items near the subject, especially to see if the light changes in an interesting way.  

The Trinity Church in Boston, Massachusetts, is located in Copley Square in Back Bay.  This first picture shows the Church at street level.  The second image below was taken when looking down through the thick, tinted hotel window on the 32nd floor.  This beautiful Church is listed in the National Historic Landmarks in Massachusetts and is also registered as a Boston Landmark.  The interior is as beautiful as its architecture!   

Looking through my archives, I found a set of pictures taken some years ago when a scallop boat was traveling from NJ to FL for repairs.  During a bad storm overnight the boat broke loose from its anchors off the coast of Kiawah Island, SC.  These pictures show where the boat ended up – on our beach!  This was such a big event at the time that I took lots of pictures (from various perspectives) before the coast guard was able to get it back in the Atlantic Ocean.

This last series of pictures show how beautiful the individual flowers are on this lovely plant.   They look pretty from a distance although when they are viewed close up from different perspective, they really look spectacular!  

Hope you enjoyed seeing a few examples showing the difference it can make when viewing a single subject from several different perspectives! 😊