March 2, 2024

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #288 Window Shopping

“’Window shopping is a dance between temptation and self-restraint,’ captures the essence of the experience when one strolls past enticing store displays without making a purchase.” – unknown

Ritva, of Ritva Sillanmaki Photography, is hosting our photo challenge this week and her topic is to feature different types of window displays that attract attention. This could be the use of vibrant colors, expressions of shoppers, unusual displays or even storytelling.

For example, who wouldn’t be temped to have lunch or dinner in such an appealing looking resturant in Burano, Italy?

The window display in the beautiful Hotel Catalonia Catedral in Barcelona, Spain is a terrific way to draw attention to their restaurant and entertainment options. 

This gentlemen is taking advantage of the light from a window to read his map. The circular window, located in the hallway of the Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon Building in Charleston, SC, is one of several which looks out to the street. Notice the ironwork, Charleston is well-known for its original handmade ironwork gates and ornaments throughout the city.

Wonder if this lady went inside the shop to purchase something she saw in the window?

A favorite picture taken at a commerical fishing company on Wadmalaw, a neighboring island. What I like about this scene is the ethereal look of the boat through the dirty window.

Early the other morning I decided to take our dogs for a stroll through the shopping area not far from our house and take a few window shots for this post! 

Be sure to read Ritva’s photography post to see her beautiful pictures and learn more on how to photograph interesting windows!

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” – Elliot Erwitt



14 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #288 Window Shopping

  1. Thank you, Ann Christina, glad you enjoyed seeing these pictures! The man by the circular window was a lucky shot since the room was not well light and crowded with people, it’s a new favorite now. Thanks again!

  2. Thank you, Egidio! Out of curiosity, I googled Hotel Catalonia in Barcelona and it looks like a wonderful place to stay. Thanks again!

  3. Donna, am glad you enjoyed these images and thank you for all your comments! I always have a smile when reading anything you write – I thank you for that.😊😊

  4. As you remember, Cherry Point is an interesting place with so many photo ops everywhere… The room where that picture was taken is near their office. As soon as the daily catch of shrimp and fish comes in it is unloaded in there and washed down before packaging to sell.
    Glad you enjoyed seeing this series of photos!😊

  5. Thank you and many thanks dropping me a note! Glad you enjoyed seeing these photos.

  6. Thank you for sharing your kind thoughts, am glad you enjoyed seeing this series of photos! The marina and circular window are also personal favorites and each has its own story. Thank you again for visiting and commenting on my post.🙂

  7. Great choices, Sylvia. Just loved that window and boat. The man at the cirkular window is a wonderful catch!

  8. What a beautiful post, Sylvia! The windows are so inviting, and the one in Catalonia was super intriguing. I loved the post.

  9. Oh, I loved all of this Sylvia. Yes, Burano has it’s outdoor dining experience down to a tee. And who needs to eat, it is fun to watch others window shoppers, isn’t it? The hotel in Barcelona is quite unique, and I wonder if guests can go on the balcony with the artsy statues. I especially loved the gentleman reading the map in Charleston and the boat view from the dirty window. What a great capture. Others might just say…ooooh someone needs to wash the windows. That is truly an image through an artist’s eye. And windows aside…how about the grassy chairs. lol. Very cool.

  10. Fun post Sylvia – recognized most of the local sights 😊. Must admit I’ve not seen an area where one can be inside looking out at the boats though (I loved that image especially). Have been to the shrimp boat place in Wadmalaw – where is there an indoor place???

  11. Your photos for this theme are wonderful. I liked so many pictures and found them very inspiring, I really enjoyed the one in the marina. Also the round window caught my eye. I appreciate you taking time and going out to take new photos.

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