September 23, 2023

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #267 Recharge

“Lose yourself in nature and find peace.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Egidio, Through Brazilian Eyes, is the guest host this week. The topic he chose is Recharge, he suggests we show examples of something we enjoy doing or seeing that help recharge our batteries and relax. For me, a walk outside is the perfect solution. I tend to walk fast when exercising, oftentimes taking our dogs so we can exercise together. Needless to say, at times when they are along it is not particularly relaxing right now since the puppy often sees interesting things to explore along the way. Although  going out with them does increase my energy level for several hours afterwards.

To really relax, recharge and clear my mind nothing is better than going out with my camera looking for interesting things to photograph. During the summer months my favorite thing is walking along Marginal Way in Ogunquit, Maine. The opening picture shows how this 1¼ mile paved path separates the Atlantic Ocean and rocky cliffs from the private homes and resorts. Below is one of the two main entrances to the top of the cliffs. The flowers and shrubs (on resort hotel property) sets the tone for the picturesque, relaxing scenes ahead. The picture on the right is of Ogunquit Beach, this is the first sight of the Atlantic Ocean as you begin walking along the coastline. (Clicking on the image will enlarge it)

Below are several views of the Ocean; first is a sailing yactht in the background, the view of one of the many tidal pools, people relaxing on benches and bathers enjoying the small sandy cove. 

These last two pictures show how different the other side of of the pathway looks – a beautiful contrast.

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir

Hope you have enjoyed seeing a little bit of Marginal Way and be sure to visit Egidio’s interesting post, Through Brazilian Eyes, by clicking here.


“May we never get so used to seeing things from our one point of view that we forget to see them from other points of view. Because it’s true what they say: There’s more to a thing than meets the eye.” – Billy Jack Brawne


7 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #267 Recharge

  1. Marginal Way. A perfect place to recharge, Sylvia. Ocean air, sunny autumn days, and views stop us. I loved the white fence showing both sides.

  2. Egidio, thank you for your kind words and also for selecting such a thoughtful topic that effects most all of us!

  3. LOL is right! The puppy is 9 months old now and going through “a puppy adolescents stage”. A couple of months ago we learned from trainers this is common in certain breeds and very similar to behavior some teenage adolescents experience. Ugh….good news is Tucker will outgrow this in several months.🙂 On another note, I couldn’t remember if you both visited MW when in Maine, if not hope you will be able to return one day.

  4. Hi John, Marginal Way is such a treasure, we all are lucky to live close by and can enjoy it year round. I know you both enjoy seeing her picture and have fond memories of your time there! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  5. Quite often Joan and I used to walk along Marginal Way. She took a photo that she had printed on canvas and prominently displayed in our home.

  6. Sylvia, your photos are wonderful! I loved those ocean scenes, especially. What a delight it must be to recharge while walking those trails. Beautiful post! Thanks for joining the challenge.

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