February 17, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #186 Low Light

“Pictures taken in low light seem to convey a certain mood or feeling, perhaps more so than those taken in bright sunlight.” – Sylvia Bacon    

This week Sofia is challenging us to feature some of our low light images.  Sunrise and sunset on Kiawah Island’s beach seldom fails to disappoint.  At times the sky and its reflection on the ocean becomes so overwhelming when washed with brilliant colors.  The header shot and the one below are two examples.

“Get outside. Watch the sunrise. Watch the sunset. How does that make you feel? Does it make you feel big or tiny? Because there’s something good about feeling both.” –
Amy Grant

In Boston, MA, the colors of the sunset created a georgeous backdrop behind the Old North Church and silhouetted statue of Paul Revere.

While watching the Red Sox play in Fenway Park, Boston, the weather suddenly changed.  These menacing looking clouds blew in very low to the ground as the wind picked up.  Yes, it was a scary feeling and the colors in the sky were quite eerie.   

The night lights in Times Square, New York City, created a sense of excitement at a time when the City was crowded with visitors from all over the world.

In contrast to Times Square, this is a picture of the Rockerfeller building in The Plaza.

Back on Kiawah’s beach, the sun had set and the moon was so bright it appears to be lighting the way for this shrimp boat as it is heading home.

Hope you enjoyed seeing these random pictures taken in low light.  Each one can also be enlarged by double clicking it.  Thanks goes to Sofia at Photographias for giving us such an interesting challenge this week.  Be sure to see her post here.