“Lose yourself in nature and find peace.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Egidio, Through Brazilian Eyes, is the guest host this week. The topic he chose is Recharge, he suggests we show examples of something we enjoy doing or seeing that help recharge our batteries and relax. For me, a walk outside is the perfect solution. I tend to walk fast when exercising, oftentimes taking our dogs so we can exercise together. Needless to say, at times when they are along it is not particularly relaxing right now since the puppy often sees interesting things to explore along the way. Although going out with them does increase my energy level for…
Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #265 Black and White or Monochrome
“There’s something strange and powerful about black-and-white imagery.” – Stefan Kanfer What is the difference between black and white and monochrome pictures? They both start as a black and white image with various shades of grey. Although, monochrome images go one step further since a single toning filter is added to create an overall mood or feeling. I always photograph in color and usually in Raw which means some post-editing is necessary. One of the last steps is to convert the picture to black, white. It is always fun to see how a picture looks in black and white verses color. Here are a few black and white examples below….
Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #264 Primary Colors
Primary colors are red, blue and yellow. What makes them special is all other colors are created by mixing two or more of these three colors together. Generally speaking, these are not usually seen together but I did manage to find a few random examples to share. The first two images show how dramatic the sky can appear when it is lit up with reddish, yellowish and blue colors. (Click on each picture to see it in full view.) For fun, this is a recent TV picture of Hurricane Franklin as it was passing by the FL, GA, SC coast, heading north in the Atlantic Ocean. Good news is it…
Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #263 Faces in the Crowd
“A crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk is but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.” – Francis Bacon Our challenge this week is to feature faces, in a crowd or standing alone. I decided on a few random pictures showing various people’s faces in a crowd. Most are strangers although the last few pictures are the faces of long-time friends. The first is a fascinating exhibit showing numerous faces of Chicago citizens at Crown Fountain in Millennium Park. A different person’s face is projected on LED screens at regular intervals and each fountain has an outlet in the screen there…
Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #262 Framing Your Photos
This week Amy suggests we share a few different ways a photo can be framed either by nature or man made designs. The header shot is framed by beautiful oak trees and marsh grasses at sunset. The two framed, sculpted flower designs below are located on the lawn of the City Hall Building in Old Montreal, Canada. An example of a wrought iron gate framing a view of the harbor in Monte Carlo, Monaco. A locked doorway protecting the privacy of a garden and walkway on the hill in Eze, Monaco. A bee is framed by the lovely greenish daisy as it gathers pollen. I will close by showing a favorite…
Weekend Sky #109 – July 29th
Whenever you see a beautiful blue sky like this, you know the weather is very comfortable and beautiful! Posted for Hammad’s Weekend Sky
Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #259 Unbound
“I have never in my life been so struck by any place as by Venice. It is the wonder of the world.” – Charles Dickens This week Dan of departing in 5 mins, is the guest host, and has chosen ‘Unbound’ as our photo challenge. He says, “Unbound: Capturing moments that take you away from your daily routine and/or everyday responsibilities. Is it a day trip, a road trip, or maybe a great escape?” Several years ago my husband and I took a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea, visiting many interesting countries along the way. We spent fifteen wonderful days learning about other people and countries, sight seeing, relaxing and…
Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #258 Fences
“Don’t ever take a fence down until you know why is was put up.” – Robert Frost When I started looking for examples of fences for this week’s photo challenge, they seemed to be everywhere, in all sizes, shapes and colors! Fences seem to have been around forever and their appearance and location is a stong indication of its purpose. I will start with a couple of fun pictures which could be considered a ‘works of art’. The first fence is associated with a popular seafood resturant. And, the other is a wooden property fence along with a child’s beautifully painted lemonade stand. The Wedding Cake House, and it’s designer…
Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #257 Simplicity
The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. — Hans Hofman Our photo challenge this week is from guest host is Mr. Philo of the Philosophy Through Photography. In his post he wrote, “I considered selecting simplicity since the modern world is so stressful and chaotic that we are losing the fundamental clarity and simplicity that allow us to concentrate on what is really important.” He suggested several ways of creating simplicity in photographs which I have tried to show in these images. “Simplicity is nature’s first step and the last of art.” – Philip James Bailey Choosing a clear and compelling subject that stands…
Weekend Sky #106
“Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty if only we have the eyes to see them.” – John Ruskin Sunrise on a cloudy on Kiawah Island, SC.