November 4, 2023

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #273 Symmetry

What is meant by symmetry in photography? Pictures that are symmetrical show the same pattern or design on each half of the subject. Each side has the same visual weight which creates a sense of balance, order and harmony. This is pleasing to the eyes and helps create a stronger photograph. 

These are a few random pictures featuring the three types of symmetry; radial, horizonal and vertical. The first examples are feature radial symmetry. The visual balance within the image radiates outwards from a central point in the picture. Any, often times it is symmetrical across both the horizontal and vertical axis.                      

Horizonal symmetrical images have a visual line dividing the image into two halves, left to right.

Vertical symmetry is when a visual line passes through the center of the frame from top to bottom, splitting the photo into two mostly identical halves on either side.

Hope you enjoyed seeing these pictures and be sure to see Sofia’s beautiful post, Photographias, by clicking here!

“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.” – Bob Kerrey


13 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #273 Symmetry

  1. Yes, LOL is right, Andy, you are on to something!! This 19th century home in Frederick, Maryland, was abandoned and vandalized a few years ago and is purported to be haunted. So, I’m thinking a few Halloween decorations might be too real for the neighborhood!

  2. You really hit the mark on this one Sylvia…great choices. I can just hear the kids that live near that house in your closer talking up the spooky stories. A bunch of Halloween decorations in front would really ‘scare’ it up…lol.

  3. Really great examples of symmetry! Especially the last three and I’ve a soft spot for butterflies. Though My favourite is actually the little fence – that was a good spot.

  4. The tiny shed was in Maine and at first glance it looked like a it could be a small doll house. Sadly though, it was torn down a couple of years ago. Thank you for visiting and sharing your thoughts!

  5. Egidio, thankk you so much for your kind words, so glad you enjoyed seeing these!

  6. Thank you Tina! The blue morpho butterfly is also one of my favorites, beautiful to see in person. And, the blue fence photo was taken on a photo shoot many years ago with Richard Bernabe, I think. By chance, were you there also?

  7. I also fell in love with that little shed the first time I saw it. And, beside it was a small home that looked just like the shed. The Weeping Willow Tree looks perfect overhead. Thank you, Donna!

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