Amy challenges us to show pictures demonstrating Changes and/or Changeable events artistically and in nature. The digital age of photography ushered in the capability of making photographs Changeable and to use one’s imagination to create “artistic images”. Changes are obvious in nature; changing weather patterns, flocks of birds migrating to warmer climates, flowering plants dying. A photograph is Changeable as its visual appearance takes on a new look; appearing abstract, artistic, dark and moody, colorful and upbeat, whatever the photographer desires. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever and Nature is the most obvious thing that gives us joy forever. It is our duty to preserve Nature. The sight of greenery,…
WINDOWS: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
This week Ann-Christine challenged us to show pictures of some interesting windows we have seen. She suggested we look for “what/who is standing or sitting by or at the window …. find an interesting something standing or hanging in the window…or perhaps seen through the window!” Below is an eclectic collection of recent window photos I encountered. Each window image has it’s own unique personality plus a story to tell!! “Your desire to be near a window is your desire to be close to life!” ∼ Mehmet Murat ildan Colorful art surrounds the window and doorway at this house in Montreal, Canada. Topaz software created the smooth, glassy look. …
LOOKING UP: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
When selecting photos relative to the subject “Looking Up”, I was amazed how many there were of the sky, tall buildings, trees, birds flying, etc. Thank you Patti for choosing such an interesting phrase for the weekly photo challenge! “Keep looking up … That’s the secret of life.” ∼ Snoopy It is breathtaking to look up at this magnificent ship silhouetted against the beautiful blue sky and clouds. The USS Constitution is the world’s oldest commissioned warship afloat, launched in Boston, Massachusetts by the United States Navy in 1797 to protect American merchant shipping during the Quasi-War with France and defeat the Barbary pirates. She earned the nickname…
SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
There is no object so large but that at a great distance from the eye it does not appear smaller than a smaller object near. ∼ Leonardo da Vinci “Small is Beautiful” is the photo word challenge Amy picked for the week. It only seemed natural to show a couple of images taken from the 360 Restaurant in the CN Revolving Tower in Toronto during a recent visit with friends. We were 1,151 feet (351 m) above the ground and this was taken through heavy glass restaurant windows. All of us are baseball fans so seeing the ball field as the Toronto Blue Jays played the Cleveland Indians was…
EVERYDAY MOMENTS: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
Amy suggested the photo word challenge of the week. When thinking of images to best illustrate my interpretation of everyday moments these came to mind, demonstrating everyday moments birds and people enjoy. “Every moment in our lives is a miracle we should enjoy instead of ignoring.” ∼ Yoko Ono This pair of Roseate Spoonbills are enjoying an everyday moment plus their time together while bathing and grooming their feathers. Since this was taken mid-day they will probably rest soon before catching more shrimp and aquatic insects in the shallow water. It’s a real treat to see these beautiful birds in southern Florida, this image was taken in Bonita…