August 21, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #161 Feet and Shoes

Ann-Christine suggests we focus on shoes and feet this week.  A favorite pictures is of our cocker spaniel showing his feet beside my husbands shoes.  As a baby, he loved to cuddle up with these shoes. These pictures, taken in India, show how large elephant feet are compared to ours.  And, how small the monkey feet are.  Below are favorite, everyday shoes our two children wore from the age of three to twenty – sunday shoes at easter time and “big boy shoes” for clowning around! They started playing soccer at an early age and continued on throughout high school. Their shoes continued to get larger as they move up to varsity…

July 28, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #158 Along Back Country Roads

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.” – Robert Frost This week we are challenged to feature images seen on back country roads.  Roads we walk or ride on off the beaten path, through farmland, forests, quaint small towns or in the middle of nowhere. Here are a few sights which caught my attention when exploring unknown country roads.  The building below is on Peake’s Island, a small Island in Casco Bay off the coast of Portland, Maine.  Peake’s Island is only accessible by ferry; the few people who live there have cars, otherwise others have…

July 10, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #155 On the Water

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” — Loren Eaiseley Having spent most of my life near the water, it’s the wildlife living in and on the water I enjoy seeing the most.  Three favorite pictures show Bottlenose Dolphins, a Mute Swan and Great White Pelicans enjoying the water.    Some of you have already seen this dolphin picture as they are following behind our boat.  This particular pod lives in the Kiawah River in South Carolina.  There are several previous posts where you might enjoy learning more about these very unusual pods of dolphins:    #88 Chaos,   #89 A River Run Through It   and …

June 18, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #152 Shadows and Shade

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree and long time ago.” – Warren Buffett This week our Photo Challenge is to show examples of Shadows and Shade.  I decided to feature various pictures starting with this opening picture showing both shadows and shade on the golf course green behind our house in Maine.  In the picture below it is interesting to note tourists taking advantage of the narrow shaded area in the street along as well as the person who is also in the shade walking in the opposite direction.  This street scene is in Corfu, Greece. Interesting shadows of the man and his son…

June 11, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #151 From Large to Small

“The world is glittering with gold and yellow streamers of sunlight wind through the tree boughs like God was throwing a party!” – Christine Anderson Patti is challenging us to pick one color and then select several photos featuring  just that color.  Starting with a large subject and then progress down in size by showing smaller and smaller examples.   Yellow is such a happy color that I decided to feature it.  As the sun came out from behind the rain clouds it ended up casting such a lovely yellow glow on everything it touched.  (This first picture was featured not too long ago in my post on Natural Light.) “How…

May 17, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #148 Spots and Dots

Dots are defined as a small round mark and Spots are a small roundish mark, differing in color or texture from the surface around it.  One place where I often see round shapes is on the beach when waves leave behind lovely soft areas of air bubbles which slowly disappear.  The morning sunlight is accenting these bubbles and the sand which gives the area a lovely glow.  (Double clicking on the image shows off the colors.) Another example is some of the tiles in an American Mah Jongg set.  It consist of 144 tiles which includes three suits (totalling 36 tiles each).  The suits are called Dots, Bams, and Craks.  Below is…

May 8, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #146 Focusing on Details

“Photography is an art of observation.  It has little to do with the things we see and everything to do with the way you see them.” – Elliott Erwitt This week Patti suggests we feature photos Focusing on Details.  I found a few images showing details that really seem to make the picture more interesting.  This first one was taken a few years ago in Ernest Hemingway’s house in Key West, Florida.  This room is his writing studio where, it is said, he used the typewriter on the right to produce seventy percent of his works during the nine years he was in residence, 1931 – 1939.   Notice that there…

April 3, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #141 Geometry

The world is full of squares, circles, triangles which can be seen most everywhere.  Boston Massachusetts is one of many cities filled with beautiful geometric, architectural designs both old and new.  For this week’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, Patti wants us to focus on geometry—shapes that are visually interesting and form a pattern or rhythm.  She suggests we think about geometry and the many examples seen everyday that we might not notice.  Be sure to check out her post here.   Once one understands what each geometric shape symbolizes it is easier to understand why certain shapes are associated with certain buildings.  Rectangles or Squares represent Balance and Tradition; Circles –…

March 20, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #139 Special Moments

“It’s the special moments that keep you going and smiling, make you the person you are and give you a lifetime of memories.” – unknown With so many special moments over the years it was hard to limit it to a few pictures.  The birth of my children and marriage to my husband is at the top of the list.  ‘Aha moments’ also count as special moments; they capture my full attention, causing me to pause and savor the moment!  A few of these memorable moments are shown below. Could not resist showing this special moment as one son sorted through his easter basket and the other one waited patiently for…

March 13, 2021

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #138 Natural Light

“Light makes photography. Embrace light. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.” – George Eastman Light from the sun is constantly changing throughout the day.  Clouds play a big part in this and also shadows which are created as the sun reflects off another object.   Natural sunlight can shine directly on an object, it can also be seen as back light, the golden light just before sunset plus the beautiful colors seen in sunrises and sunsets. Here are a few images showing examples of natural light.  This first one was taken after a heavy rain…