February 6, 2024

Lens-Artists Photo Chllenge #285 Warm Colours

“Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.” – Don McCullin

Warm colors tend to stand out and draw attention. Most people generally think of only red, orange and yellow although gold, beige, creamy neutrals, brown and tan are also warm colors. It is said the brain associates warm colors with a range of feelings, including passion, comfort, anger, and power. Below are a few examples featuring all eight colors. For fun, as you look through these photos, see if any of them influence the way you feel at that moment.

Hope you have enjoyed seeing these pictures!  Thanks goes to Egidio for making us more aware of certain colors and understanding how they make us feel – happy, excited, peaceful or sad. Be sure to see his lovely pictures and read his thoughts on the emotional effects of colors by clicking here.

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” – Elliot Erwitt


14 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Chllenge #285 Warm Colours

  1. Thank you, Egidio, for your kind words! The balcony with flowers image was taken when we visited Corfu, Greece. It was “love at first sight” and I knew I had to get a picture of it! I’m so glad you also like it alot.😊

  2. LOL, John!! No problem at all…I have to add I shudder how many times I’ve done the same thing.😉 Thank you though for keeping my posts in the loop!😊

  3. Many thanks, Tina, glad you liked these images! Like you I tend to be drawn to dramatic colors that grab my attention.😀

  4. First of all, I loved the initial quote and the way you walked us in to decided if the photos sent any emotions to us. It was fun to look through them with that in mind. I felt tranquility in the sunset, hope with the rainbow, and “may I please be invited in” with the balcony.

  5. Wow, Sylvia! What a creative way to showcase all those warm colors with such beautiful photos. It’s an inspirational post with gorgeous photos. The photo of the balcony with those flowers was pure happiness. I kept going back to it to enjoy the moment you captured. Thank you for joining the challenge.

  6. Well you covered the gamut with this one Sylvia – well done! I was more drawn to the reds and oranges in the middle but all are beautiful.

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