September 12, 2019

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #62 SILHOUETTES

This week Patti suggests we show pictures featuring Silhouettes.  Silhouette photography is quite interesting in that it can evoke emotions, tell a story plus entice viewers to spend a few extra moments exploring details.


“One of the most effective ways of dramatizing a landscape or a wildlife subject is to capture its silhouette. The combination of a strong form with a beautiful background is unbeatable.” – Jim Zuckerman


Friends relaxing with their beverage while observing the ongoing gorgeous sunset in the Gulf of Mexico!  Is there a storm approaching, adding extra drama to the evening sky?


“It was sunsets that taught me that beauty sometimes only lasts for a couple of moments, and it was sunrises that showed me that all it takes is patience to experience it all over again.” – A. J. Lawless

When looking at this silhouette a little closer, is it intriguing to observe the people and wonder what they are feeling?  The couple on the beach are focused on each other instead of admiring the beautiful sunset in Aruba.  Perhaps a thoughtful conversation?   Two other people are swimming in the Caribbean Sea; enjoying being together and having a relaxing evening.  The third person, beneath the palm tree beach shelter, seems to be readying the area for morning guests.


“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.” – Mr. Reklamador

This picture tells a story and creates a somber mood.  Wonder why the dog is sitting on the beach looking towards the ocean…  Has his master been out too long?  Is the dog anxious for his return and refuses give up his vigil?  (This scene become a very happy one a little while later when the dog’s owner returned.  Such a cheerful reunion!)  


“The silhouette says a lot with very little information….” – Kara Walker

A silhouette of graceful sea oats gently swaying in the breeze on Kiawah Island; a valuable plant for coast line and barrier islands.  Since they play a particularly vital role in anchoring sand dunes, many southeastern states make it illegal to pick or destroy them.  


“Simplicity is often the key to creating striking photographs of silhouetted forms.” – Jim Zuckerman

Hope this has helped make you more aware of silhouette pictures and also interpreting them.


“Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing.” — Dr. Seuss