This week Tina invites us to share pictures and a few thoughts about precious pets that have been in our life or have somehow touched us. I cannot remember being without a pet of some sort and usually had several different ones at the same time – because our family consisted of three boys! Need I say more?? The assortment of “pets” varied over the years; a parakeet, a snake or two, ferrets, a few frogs, lizards, and tank full of tropical fish. The more traditional (or normal) pets over the years were several Irish Setters, a rescued Siberian husky, a poodle, two Himalayan cats and American cocker spaniels. Now that our children have left, we happily enjoy having cocker spaniels around the house, two at the same time so they can also be company for each other.
“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” – Roger Caras
Bentley and Chester happily live with us now. They are seven years old, half brothers with six months difference in their age.
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![]() Chester |
![]() Bentley |
“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.” – Orhan Pamuk
The love and devotion from our dogs is unconditional, hard to define and probably difficult to imagine unless it has been experienced. They enjoy cuddling up in your lap, they will nudge your hand with their nose asking for a little attention, watch your movements and often resting close by, giving you long stares with soft, mellow eyes. If you are happy, they are happy; if you are sad, they share your sadness. And as you leave them home-alone, their ears and tail droop and head hangs down with such a sad look in their eyes. When returning, they madly dash to the door with happy barks and often a toy is in their mouth. When a walk or ride is announced (often times we need to spell these words), their excitement is so contagious, we have to be heading out of the door before they are! Dogs are also able to show a range of emotions; happiness, kindness, sadness, pleading, fear, anger, jealousy.
Our dogs have always loved playing games, their walks on the beach, in town or around the neighborhood and really enjoy socializing with anyone who speaks to them. Since we are always talking to them; they have acquired quite a vocabulary!
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“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” – Josh Billings
Regrettably, their life span is too short. And, when they move over to Rainbow Bridge a piece of our heart goes with them, along with many tears. Fortunately though, we are left with wonderful, warm memories to last a lifetime.
In Loving Memory of the Precious Pets who shared their lives with us and our children over the past 30 years.
![]() Bucky |
![]() Spencer and Willy |
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![]() Sonya |
![]() TJ |
![]() Zoey |
All are wonderful companions and their love, unconditional. I cannot image our life without having a pet.
“Dogs…do not ruin their sleep worrying about how o keep the objects they have, and how to obtain the object they have not. There is nothing of value they have to bequeath except their love and their faith.” – Eugene O’Neill, from his Dalmatian, Blemie’s, last will and testament