April 27, 2024

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #296 Abstracts

“Abstract art was the equivalent of poetic expression; I didn’t need to use words, but colors and lines. I didn’t need to belong to a language-oriented culture but to an open form of expression.” – Etel Adnan

This week Ritva of Ritva Sillanmaki Photography selected Abstracts as the photo challenge. Much has been written on this subject, Ritva describes abstracts as “photography which breaks the normal rules of realism. It turns everyday scenes, objects, or textures into visual poetry, inviting viewers to see beyond the surface.  It is a genre of photography that focuses on the shapes, colors, textures, and patterns of the subject, rather than its literal representation.”

It is said that images can be suggestive, sometimes shunning the logical and expected. They are mystifying rather than explanatory, unusual, quirky, idiosyncratic. Their uniqueness makes them very powerful and can engage our imagination very quickly.

Abstracts are created by the imagination, by looking for interesting designs in a picture or converting an image into an abstract scene using a software program. I like looking for interesting shapes in rectangles, diagonal lines, circles plus unique patterns and color combinations. This vase of flowers, accentuated by various designs and bright colors, was created by a software program.

The painterly look in this scene is also created by a software.

This next section shows abstracts created by nature. Various colors and patterns on these trees is created by camera movement. 

A water reflection on the Grand Canal in Venice; the aqua colored water is reflecting the colors of the building.

Sun light and shadows play on a blanket of snow creating lovely diagonal lines and curves. It was so cold that snow particles quickly crystalizing as the snow melted.

Abstract designs are seen in the clearing sky as sun and shadows played off cloud formations.

Hope you enjoyed seeing these pictures! A big thanks goes to Ritva for selecting this interesting topic and including an explanation about abstract photography along with beautiful pictures. Be sure to check out her post by clicking here.

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” – Elliot Erwitt


4 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #296 Abstracts

  1. Yes, I think with abstracts we all speak the same language. It is poetic expression to ponder. A great collection, the trees a favorite for me this week. And the perfect quote to finish your post. Have a good week, Sylvia

  2. What lovely photos! I loved the shapes, the reflections, the textures, and especially, the painterly look in the opening flower images. Gorgeous!

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