March 16, 2024

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #290 Circular Wonders

“The whole universe is based on rhythms. Everything happens in circles, in spirals.” – John Hartford

When thinking about the photo challenge topic this week, everywhere I looked I saw Circles! I have been to the beach a lot lately, our dogs love it there plus it is a beautiful place to take long walks early in the morning. The other day after a recent storm a lot of sea foam had washed up on the sand. The foam was particularly interesting this morning because the early sun was reflecting off hundreds of tiny circular bubbles giving the appearance of lovely arrangements of colorful jewels all along the beach.

The next day, I noticed beautifully etched Circles all along the sand. This particular area was still being created by the small sea snail working on the left side of his art work! (Clicking the image will enlarge it.)

Lily pads and lotus flowers are endless Circles grouped together in large circular areas! This is the same picture as the header, note the small frog sitting peacefully on the lily pad at the bottom of the picture.

“A circle is the strongest shape in the universe. Nothing can beat it, nothing can improve upon it, nothing can be more perfect.” – Dave Eggers

This next series of images shows a few more Circular Wonders. These orbs were created from photos of various flowers and Adobe Photoshop software.

Leya chose this interesting topic, she has also featured many great pictures of Circular Wonders she has encountered!  Be sure to check out her post by clicking here.

“My camera is my best friend when I travel. It opens doors for me and helps me see things I would not have noticed.”          P’all Stefansson


9 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #290 Circular Wonders

  1. The water lilies are gorgeous and a perfect choice for the challenge Sylvia. And wonderful circular creations with adobe!

  2. Lovely choices for this one Sylvia – I especially loved the lily pad image. I too took several captures of those sea bubbles. They were so colorful!! And I haven’t done an orb in years so that was fun to see as well.

  3. Lily pads picture is one of my favorites especially after discovering the small frog sitting close by! Many thanks, Sofia, so happy you liked these pictures.

  4. Donna, thank you for your kind words! So glad you enjoyed seeing this assortment of photos with lots of circles!

  5. I rarely leave the beach without seeing something new or interesting to photograph. From items washed up with the tide to interesting wildlife, small creatures left behind, waiting for the return of the tide and of course the beautiful colors in the sky. The orbs are fun to create, and it is hard to predict how one will turn out ahead of time. Easy to do using PS and I’m happy to share the instructions. Sadly, I did not get a picture of the name of this catus, I saw it at Naples Botanical Gardens in Florida a few years ago. I remember it was not a very tall plant, maybe a foot high and a foot wide and the growth was twisted around in interesting shapes. Ann-Christine, thank you for your kind words, I am so glad you enjoyed seeing these pictures!

  6. I love the approach you have on this challenge. Truly unique and your photos are beautiful, the orbs so creative. Lily pads are my favourite, I love everything about the shot.

  7. Fascinating work, Sylvia. You have shared wonders. Period. Circular yes, but sure great creations and discoveries. The ocean “jewels” would have kept me exploring too. The sand snail and the sweet frog were great friends to aid in the creativity. Loved the orbs! Outstanding, and enjoyable.

  8. I am so glad you joined in, Sylvia! Your circles are all wonders in themselves, and you showcase them brilliantly. Walking on the beach I guess gives you endless opportunities – and you seized the moments. Little things making circular wonders, and the amazing lily pads with flower accents – and the little frog. Good that you mentioned him – I did not see him at first! The orbs are soo good, you have found the perfect plants for them to shine. The second one truly develops its patterns exquisitely. And I wonder, what is the last plant? never seen anything like it.

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