“The best images are the ones that retain their strength and impact over the years, regardless of the number of times they are viewed.” – Anne GeddeHeader
2020 was a year like no other since 1918, everyone in the world seems to be suffering one way or another. In spite of this, I continued to look forward to the assigned weekly word for the Lens-Artist Photo Challenge. A big thank you goes to four talented leaders; Anne-Christine, Amy, Patti and Tina!
This week’s topic is Favorite Pictures from 2020. The banner shot above was taken on Kiawah Island in SC. Notice the little trails in the foreground? They were made by ghost crabs running on the beach in search of food. This image was originally featured in the word topic “Sanctuary“. It is possible to view it and others by clicking on the unlined title above.
In Autumn, lovely fall colors are prominent in the northeastern part of the United States. This is a picture taken in southern Maine close to our home there. The colors were so rich and vibrant looking that I decided to give this image a painterly look. The word topic for this particular week was “Autumn“.
“If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn’t need to lug around a camera.” – Lewis Hine
There is a nice story behind the meeting of this gentle lady and her beloved dog. The emotions and struggles she has endured are written on her face.
Her story and the interesting way we met is featured in the word topic entitled “Future“. This post is about individual kindness and wanting to encourage others “to pay it forward” through good deeds. (Definition of “to pay it forward”: respond to a person’s kindness to oneself by being kind to someone else.)
“You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life.” – Joan Miro
Another favorite pictorial of struggle and triumph is the picture of this female Loggerhead turtle heading back to the Atlantic Ocean after laying her eggs in the sand dunes. She was exhausted plus the tide had gone out making things more difficult. Her time to return to the Ocean was short since the sun was beginning to heat up the air. This picture was featured in the post entitled “Morning“.
An earlier pictorial documents her journey across the beach until she is finally able to swim away. This one is entitled “Seascapes“.
Recently we were challenged to show images of subjects that start with the letter “A”. I had a hard time time coming up with suitable pictures until my husband spotted a classic 1951 Studebaker sitting by the side of the road in Maine. My dilemma was solved, the subject of this post became “Antique Autos“! You can see a few more favorites by clicking on the link above.
“Sometimes you never know the value of moment until it becomes a memory” – Dr. Seuss
The rain had just abated and the storm clouds began to dissipate. This was taken in Kennebunkport, Maine beside the bridge entering Town. The word topic was “Hide A Way“, pictures of places to visit for relaxation and to enjoy nature.

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
– Elliott Erwitt
This is a few of my favorite pictures in 2020. Hope you have enjoyed seeing these as much as I enjoyed going back and reliving the memories. Be sure to visit Tina’s post this week to see her beautiful images as she also reflects on memories from this past year.
Wishing everyone a Safe Year in 2021, along with Good Health and Prosperity!
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