November 1, 2018

JUST FOR FUN: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

This week Patti asked us to share pictures that are Just For Fun.  These random images from Maine show some else’s sense of humor as they it share with others.  These make me smile every time I see them.  Hope they do the same for you!     

“Humor is mankind’s greatest blessing.”    Mark Twain

Snoopy is intently looking down so he can check out the birds who decide to take up residence in “his” bird house!  This bird house and the next one are just as humorous as the others which decorate the Harbor Master’s office in Perkins Cove, Maine.  More of these handcrafted “designer” birdhouses can be seen in a previous blog on Windows dated October 13, 2018.

Boston’s Red Sox Baseball Team just won the 2018 World Championship Title, October 28, 2018.  What a joyous celebration yesterday in the streets of Boston for the team plus Red Sox fans everywhere!!  This prompted me to take the picture below and as luck would have it, two birds decided to claim it as their own while I was standing there.  Hum….wonder if they somehow know how valuable this particular house is now.

“A good sense of humor will get you everywhere.”    Josh Bowman

This Fun mural is painted on the side of a seafood restaurant located next to an active fishing pier where lobster men arrive daily to weigh their catch and prepare it for market.  

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”   Dale Carnegie

Wonder how many golfers are willing to offer their suggestions?!

And then, there’s this sign on another golf course.  Didn’t want to think too much about this picture, although perhaps it is a subtle way to encourage golfers to keep up with the pace of play.  Who knows for sure, but it certainly does get one’s attention.

When I saw this sign, all I could do was laugh and grab my camera!

“Photography is usually viewed as a solitary activity, but the truth of the matter is that people love to shoot together, compare notes, and just have fun with photography.”    Scott Kelby