May 30, 2019

FIVE ELEMENTS: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

Amy’s challenge topic for this week is FIVE ELEMENTS.  She chose to highlight the Five Elements recognized by the Chinese, Wu Xing:  water (shui), metal (jin), fire (huo), wood (mu), and earth (tu).  In daily life these are regarded as the foundations of everything in the universe and natural phenomena and commonly used by designers and Feng Shui masters.

In the universe, each element interacts positively or negatively with another element.  Positive interaction would be how metal generates water; water nourishes wood; wood feeds fire; fire creates earth; earth bears metal.  Negative interaction would occur when fire melts metal; metal chops wood; wood breaks up the earth; earth absorbs the water; water quenches fire.  (Source:  The Five Elements (Wu Xing))   Hinduism has the Five Elements of nature which are slightly different:  earth (bhumi), water (ap), fire  jar), air (morut), space (vyom).

“Move swift as the Wind and closely-formed as the Wood.  Attack like the Fire and be still as the Mountain.” – Sun Tzu


The earth element is an energy of stability and groundedness.

“The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.” – Thich Nhat Hanh


Water element is an energy of flow and flexibility.

“The river that flows in you also flows in me.” – Kabir


Fire element is an energy of vitality and passion.

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” – Plutarch


Metal element is an energy of firmness, rigidity, persistence, strength and determination.

“Important reserves of natural resources, like petroleum and precious metals, are the bulwarks for laying the foundations of the future.” – Enrique Pena Nieto


The wood element is an energy of warmth, generosity, co-operation and idealism.

“The woods are never solitary – they are full of whispering, beckoning, friendly life…” – L. M. Montgomery


“To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter…to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s net or a wildflower in spring – these are some of the rewards of the simple life.” – John Burroughs


Note concerning the picture of the fire:  I did not have any fire pictures except the one shown and I was unable to get another one since we are doing a bit of traveling.   This photograph was taken on Interstate 95 right after the body of a large car carrier separated from the truck cab and flip over on its side.  The driver and truck cab did not show any damage, it was upright in the correct road lane about 12 feet in front of the flaming carrier which was transporting cars.  So relieved to know no one was hurt. The image is cropped to only show part of the raging fire.