For this week’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, Patti invites us to “share a cityscape of one city or several cities with populations in the thousands or millions. Near our home or thousands of miles away, most importantly, show the big picture view.” When thinking about big cities – what is it about a city that attracts some people or can cause others to try to avoid them as much as possible! Do you enjoy visiting a city, would you like to live in one if you don’t already? Personally, I like cities and would probably be happy living in one since I’m married to a “city guy” who loves them. To me,…
CURVES: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
This week Tina invites us to think about Curves; “…pay some attention to curves – in nature, in architecture, on our roads and in our lives … just about everywhere if you think about it.” Curves can be defined many ways; as a rounded line or shape, a curve ball is something baseball players and fans know all about, school test papers graded on a curve and then there is the person or organization that strives to stay ahead of the curve instead of behind it! I decided on a few unrelated pictures showing curves as smooth, rounded lines, shapes or path. Except for the last image these pictures were taken in Charleston, SC…
MY TRAVELS: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
This week Amy challenges us show memorable pictures taken during My Travels. Last week’s photo challenge was Favorite Pictures in 2018 and since traveling was the highlight of our year many of My Travel images were featured then. (See Travel Pictures of 2018 under Recent Posts on the right hand side.) To accept Amy’s challenge this week I decided to show some favorite pictures from previous trips to Florida. Disney World in Orlando is one of the more popular attractions in Florida. Who doesn’t have a warm spot in their heart after seeing the Lady and The Tramp animated cartoon, or can resist smiling at some of Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog’s…
FAVORITE PICTURES OF 2018: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
This week Ann-Christine encourages us to think back on 2018 and show pictures recapping some memorable moments. What a challenging assignment! With so many images to choose from, it is difficult to narrowed them down and pick only eight. Probably one of my personal highlights in 2018 is the inception of this photography blog. This became a reality when an old friend (and great photographer, I must also add) encouraged me to participate in the newly organized weekly Lens-Artists Photo Challenge Group. And of course, I said “yes”! Taking pictures and writing is easy enough although creating the website was a different story. Fortunately with her ongoing encouragement and support, My Colorful was…
SEASONAL: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
This week Tina challenges us to express what Seasonal means; I chose to do this with photographs. My husband and I are able to experience the seasons in two different parts of the country. Winter rolls in with freezing weather, complete with wind, snow and ice in Southern Maine; Kiawah Island, SC has a more moderate winter, although it can get a bit chilly at times. Spring is a welcome relief with delightfully warming temperatures as new life begins to unfold. And, summer days on Kiawah can heat up quickly and become humid before traveling north to Maine for more temperate temperatures. The autumn months in Maine can be spectacular; gorgeous fall…
CELEBRATIONS: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
One’s life is full of many different kinds of celebrations; weddings, birth of a child, celebration of someone’s life, events, holidays and this list can go on. December is the month many people all over the world traditionally celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, St Lucia’s day, Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Omisoka, Boxing Day, to name a few celebrations. The holiday seasons are rejoiced with parades, festivals, parties, family time, gifts and laughter. To celebrate this season, we recently visited Naples Botanical Garden in Southwest Florida to see their “Night Lights in the Garden”. It was a wonderful evening as people roamed the Garden enjoying the festival of lights while…
HAPPINESS IS … : Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
This week Ann-Christine invites us to share what “Happiness Is” means to us. This topic made me think about what is important and what brings happiness in my life. “Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.” ∼ Walt Whitman ——— “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” ∼ Mahatma Gandhi Happiness Is being with my husband, family and friends as we laugh and share good times together while making memories. Fun times spent cooking in the kitchen, dinner table talk, quiet time, walks, biking and traveling together. “Happiness is a warm puppy.” ∼ …
SPLASH: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
This week Patti challenges us to show images of water. She beautifully writes, “water is magical. Its beauty, power and persistence are unsurpassed…” What is it about an ocean, lake, stream, waterfall or just a puddle which can draw so much attention? Water is truly magical because it is never the same – strong, angry, calm or picturesque when reflecting colors – and vital for all life. “It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things.” ∼ Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook _____________ “She loves the serene brutality of the ocean, loves the electric power she felt with each breath of wet, briny…
DOORS AND DOOR WAYS: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
This week Tina invites us to show pictures of Doors and Doorways. Do you think the appearance of a door or doorway is important? Actually, it has been said it only takes about 10 seconds for someone to form a first impression, either positive or negative. Think about doors and doorways, could this also apply to them? Can’t doors and doorways to be inviting, happy and attractive? Radiate warm, welcome feelings or cool and foreboding ones? “My favourite words are possibilities, opportunities and curious. I think if you are curious, you create opportunities, and then if you open the doors, you create possibilities. ∼ Mario Testino ———- “Libraries allow children to ask…
MAGICAL LIGHT: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge
This week Amy shared some of her favorite pictures of sunrises and sunsets. She is challenging us to share special moments we captured when observing Magical Light. Where better to see gorgeous light than in spectacular sunrises and sunsets when the sky is full of design and color! Except for the last picture, these photos were taken near our home on Kiawah Island, SC. “Nature speaks to us through different images, landscapes, colors, patterns and forms of exquisite beauty. As we admire nature’s extravagance our emotions and feelings become part of it. This harmonious balance makes our souls happy…” ∼ Ralph Waldo Emerson Early morning sun light turns the…