September 10, 2020

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #113 A LABOR OF LOVE

“A Labor of Love is exalted because it provides joy and self-expression to those who perform it.” – Dennis Kimbro This week’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge topic is A Labor of Love.  Rusha wants us to recognize those who go the distance and accomplish things which impact life for others in a meaningful way.  Labors of Love can be found around us, all the time.  It is often easy to identify and appreciate what others do for the better good of so many. The volunteers below are members of the Kiawah Island Loggerhead Turtle Patrol Program in SC.  Their dedication and Labor of Love helps protect endangered Loggerhead Turtles by monitoring…

April 23, 2020

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #93 MORNING

This week Ann-Christine selected Morning for our weekly challenge.  She is asking us to share a few things we do when starting off our day.  Generally, I am an early morning person and find myself heading to the beach first thing, even before a morning cup of coffee!  Am not sure what draws me there, probably the tranquility and sound of waves crashing on the shore, the salty smell in the air and nature’s beautiful colors gently painting the sky and ocean.  Since no two mornings look the same, I am also curious as to what might have transpired overnight.  Maybe there will be deer tracks in the sand next…