November 5, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #223 Flights of Fancy

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead This past week John (photobyjohnbo) has challenged us to “… consider sharing images of interesting or unusual subjects that represent notions or ideas that seem incredible even today or seemed unrealistic at some point in the past.”  I decided to feature the Constitution, a former warship located in Boston National Historical Park, part of Charlestown Navy Yard in Charlestown, Massachusetts. The USS Constitution, one of five frigates built for the United States Navy in 1776, gained recogination during the War of 1812 and then…

September 1, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #214 Favorite Finds

“When the magic hour arrives, my thoughts center on light rather than on the landscape. I search for perfect light, then hunt for something earthbound to match with it.” – Galen Rowell Our challenge this week is to share a few pictures, randomly taken, which later turned out to be a favorite. Lately, I am trying to be more aware of the impact natural light has on a picture. For example, I was drawn to the scene below after noticing  yellow sunlight reflecting off the bricks and steam from the smoldering fire. To my surprise, when viewing this picture the next day, I noticed the camera had also picked up…

August 4, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #210 Three Favorite Photos

“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.” – Ansel Adams This week Sarah says, “join me in sharing three of what you consider to be among your very best shots… Look into your archives and apply your most critical eye; play ‘judge’ and try to look dispassionately at your images. Pick out three (just three) that stand out as particular favourites.”  Be sure to see her three favorites and learn why she chose them by clicking here. The scene below is a common sight in Kennebunkport, ME. What caught my attention on this particular day was low hanging rain clouds that were beginning to clear,…

June 18, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #204 Doors/Doorways

Doors can be seen wherever we turn, they are literally everywhere! And, all doors are surrounded by doorways for us to walk through, some look more attractive than others. With so many different types and designs, it should be fun to pick several doorways that attract your attention. Ask yourself, what caught your eye.  Does this doorway communicate a friendly, inviting atmosphere (perhaps much like its owners)?  Or, is it imposing due to its size and grandeur, or perhaps ominous looking, sending a message to stay away? Here are a few different styles of doorways I have noticed. A few were recently taken and others came from my archives so…

April 10, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #194 Bokeh

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.” – Destin Sparks Bokeh, what is it and how can you create it with your camera? Since this is such an interesting subject and fun to do, Sofia has challenged us to feature a few of our favorites this week. Bokeh is the out-of-focus background in a photograph which is lovely to look at. It is created when background objects are softly blended together, displaying an array of beautiful colors, while the subject is in focus and sharp. Good Bokeh does not have hard edges or sharpness and sometimes there are round, smooth circles of light visible. So, how can…

March 24, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #191 Curves

“In life, as in art, the beautiful moves in curves.” – Edward Bulwer-Lytton Curves seem to be everywhere, especially in nature! When outside have you ever looked around to see how many curvy objects you can see? A few days ago I spent some time with my camera on the eastern end of the beach on Kiawah Island. Most everything in sight was curvy. The header image shows curved dune grasses bent by the blowing breeze.  Sand dunes also tend to be curvy; their shape is constantly changed by the wind. The full picture is shown at the end of this post. The picture below shows the length and curvature…

February 26, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #187 Water

“Dance with the waves, move with the sea, let the rhythm of the water set you soul free.” – Christy Ann Martine This week Anne suggests we think about Water.  She says, “Water enhances our photos, adding impact. Photographing it is also fun and sometimes a challenge.”  I agree, photographing water makes the picture more interesting, especially if wildlife is around.  The first several pictures show some of the wildlife we have on Kiawah Island.  These pelicans are resting after having spent their morning diving for food.  In a few more hours they will be out again, fishing, before darkness arrives.   Kiawah is the home of a pod of dolphins…

January 22, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #182 Interesting Objects

It is amazing how many interesting sights are around us once we start looking for them.  This week Patti suggests we share a few things we have seen when walking through a city, the country, a museum, or a beach.  Something different that catches our eye.  This banner shot was taken a few years ago when visiting a botanical garden in Canada.  These artistic metal flowers among the other plants added a lot of color and interest.  And, below is a popular ice cream shop in Maine which is known for their long list of delicious ice creams plus humorous signs around the property.  The picture of the cow and…

January 16, 2022

Cellpic Sunday 16 Jan 2022 The Painter

“The Sea, once it casts its spell holds one in its net of wonder forever.” – Jacques Cousteau My husband and I spend our summers in the southern part of Maine and I love walking along Marginal Way in Ogunquit.  This beautiful walkway, beside the Atlantic Ocean, is lined with native trees and flowers with plenty of benches so people can sit and enjoy the ocean.  Even though it is only a little over a mile each way there are many wonderful opportunities for picture taking.  On this particular day I was out early before the crowds gathered while a sea mist was still hanging in the air.  On this…

January 14, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #181 Double Dipping

This week Tina has suggested we share photos from other challenges we participate in or places in which we post.  I have not participated in other photography challenges so the wonderful thing about this topic is that I am discovering other bloggers terrific challenges!  Cellpic Sunday by Journeys with Johnbo.  John Steiner’s challenge is to share any picture taken with a cell phone, iPad or other mobile device.  This has been posted before, it is one of my favorites, and I still can not believe is was taken with the iPhone 12 Pro Max.  Cee’s Flower of the Day  Cee Neuner has been hosting Flower of the Day challenge plus…