February 8, 2025

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #333 Dogs and Cats

“A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad”.  Tina suggests we show some pictures of dogs and cats. There has always been dogs and cats in our life. All our dogs have been  American Cocker Spaniels and their names are Bucky, Willard, Winston, Spencer, Bentley and Tucker. All loved playing games and were great companions. I selected a few random photos of them playing games with each other and also when they had some quiet moments.   Clicking on a picture will enlarge it. Play Time: taking turns pushing the ball over the top step. Winston runs to retrieve…

March 31, 2023

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #242 New Experiences

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” – Josh Billings This week Anne, of Slow Shutter Speed, suggests we share a new personal experience. The experience my husband and I are in the midst of now is not really new to us, it’s just that we have not experienced this in well over ten years – so, it seems like it’s new.  We recently got a puppy!!  Meet Tucker, an American Cocker Spaniel.  “Training a puppy is like raising a child. Every single interaction is a training opportunity.” – Ian Dunbar Two months ago our life changed when eight week-old Tucker…

September 3, 2020

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #112 PICK A WORD

Anne-Christine invites us to Pick A Word this week, one or more from this list – Comfortable, Growing, Crowded, Exuberant or Tangled.  Then illustrate it with photos.  I decided to share photos of our two Cocker Spaniels, Chester and Bentley, as they were growing up.  (You are able to double click each image to view in full screen.)  “Where there is love there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi During their first several weeks together, Chester and Bentley stayed close to each other and were comfortable sleeping together.  This was the beginning of the strong bond between them.  (Bentley was 10 weeks old here and Chester 11 months.) As a puppy,…

November 26, 2019

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #73 COLD

This week Tina challenges us to show pictures which can make you feel “Cold”.  Snow, ice, frosty window pane anything that looks cold!  In recent years my experience with Cold has been associated with a few snowy months in Maine before returning home to the warm, sunny south!  As you can see, we were literally knee deep in snow and watching snow storm after snow storm roll in on a regular basis.   Snow and the cold is handled so different there, school was only closed a day or two, roads clear and drive-able quickly and stores were operating on a normal schedule.   “What good is the warmth of summer,…

October 17, 2019

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #67 CANDID SHOTS

This week Ann-Christine challenges us to show a few Candid pictures.  She says “taking photos of people or animals if they have no idea that you’re doing it is called candid photography. One of the beautiful things with photography is being able to catch someone in the act.  It adds natural life to your picture taking.”  After reading this, I decided to go back into my photo archives for a few candid shots of Cocker Spaniels, which sadly are no longer with us.   These two dogs, Spencer and Winston, gave our family wonderful memories as they consistently showed their love of life and each for other.   “In the world…

September 12, 2019

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #62 SILHOUETTES

This week Patti suggests we show pictures featuring Silhouettes.  Silhouette photography is quite interesting in that it can evoke emotions, tell a story plus entice viewers to spend a few extra moments exploring details.   “One of the most effective ways of dramatizing a landscape or a wildlife subject is to capture its silhouette. The combination of a strong form with a beautiful background is unbeatable.” – Jim Zuckerman   Friends relaxing with their beverage while observing the ongoing gorgeous sunset in the Gulf of Mexico!  Is there a storm approaching, adding extra drama to the evening sky?   “It was sunsets that taught me that beauty sometimes only lasts…

September 6, 2019

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #61 PRECIOUS PETS

This week Tina invites us to share pictures and a few thoughts about precious pets that have been in our life or have somehow touched us.  I cannot remember being without a pet of some sort and usually had several different ones at the same time – because our family consisted of three boys! Need I say more??   The assortment of “pets” varied over the years; a parakeet, a snake or two, ferrets, a few frogs, lizards, and tank full of tropical fish.  The more traditional (or normal) pets over the years were several Irish Setters, a rescued Siberian husky, a poodle, two Himalayan cats and American cocker spaniels.  Now that…