June 16, 2023

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #253 Fragments

This week Brian has selected a challenging topic, at least for me anyway. He suggests we show examples of our interpretation of the word Fragments. After giving this a little thought, I decided to present a few pictures from one point of view showing the subject along with its fragments. For example, separated clouds floating away from the larger one close by, a stuffed animal’s tail torn off a dog’s toy and apple slices cut out of the apple. For the opening shot, as these clouds were passing overhead yesterday I noticed many wispy fragments had broken away and were floating by on their own. And the picture below shows…

May 27, 2023

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #250 Skyscapes or Cloudscapes

“Every cloud has a silver lining.” – John Milton Clouds come in all sizes, shapes and colors, that is what makes them so interesting. The images you see now will change within five minutes or less. They can blanket the sky and block out the sun or provide a backdrop for a spectacular sunrise or sunset. This week Amy, of The World is a Book…”, chose a very interesting topic; Skyscapes and Cloudscape. What is the difference between the two? The dictionary describes a Skyscape as a section of the sky, usually extensive, which often includes a part of the horizon usually seen from a single viewpoint. Whereas Cloudscapes are…