March 22, 2019

HISTORY: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

“History” is the topic Patti chose for us to interpret with some of our photos.  Immediately the Monastero di Sana Chiara in Naples, Italy came to mind.  As my husband and I were walking through Naples with our tour group last year, we came upon this stunning complex in the middle of the city.  It was like discovering an oasis surrounded by the hustle and bustle of city life. Sana Chiara is a religious complex built in 1340, it is steeped in history and a rare example of Medieval architecture.  Originally commissioned by the French Kingdom of Anjou for the Franciscan order in the early 1300s, it is the site…

March 15, 2019

AROUND THE NEIGHBORHOOD: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

This week Tina challenges us to feature our neighborhood or someone else’s that makes us feel welcome or comfortable.  I have always felt comfortable around water so I decided to feature a few pictures of wildlife and activities on Kiawah’s beach, which is in our neighborhood and walking distance from our home.  Except for the first image, these other sights are fairly common.  I believe the quote below also implies being a good neighbor to wildlife, helping them to preserve their future. “To be a good neighbor is one of life’s richest joys!” – unknown   This Loggerhead turtle laid her eggs in the sand dunes and is very slowly…

March 1, 2019

CLOSEUP: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

This week Leya invites us to show a few close-up pictures, “your own home is an endless source of motifs – and maybe a look into new worlds.”  I chose flower images because the delicate blending of multi colors, texture in the pedals and the intricate designs of each flower is so unique when viewed Closeup.  Most of these images were taken in our yard with either a Nikon 18 to 300 mm lens or 18 to 105. I did not use my micro lens but instead took Closeups of these flowers in the RAW format so I was able to crop close and show little details. A few other…

February 20, 2019

NATURE: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

This week Patti asks us to showcase some of our Nature photography.  Most of these pictures were taken on Kiawah Island where there is an abundance of Nature shots everywhere – landscape, birds, animals, flowers, trees, the Atlantic Ocean plus magnificent colors in the sky created by the sun, moon and clouds. “In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks.”  –  John Muir ——————————-   “Nature has a great simplicity and therefore a great beauty.” – Richard Feynman   Over the past year or so photographers everywhere have had the opportunity to capture breathtaking pictures of the moon.  This picture of the moon isn’t anything special but…

February 15, 2019

SHADOWS: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

This week Tina challenges us to show images of interesting Shadows we have captured.  Looking over a few photos, I randomly picked several showing Shadows on the beach, a couple of golf courses, in the mountains and by the river.  It is the shape formed by Shadows which makes an interesting picture in addition to how they interacts with the subject.  Converting these pictures to black and white seemed logical, after all shadows are not very colorful, they just display interesting patterns!    “Color is descriptive.  Black and white is interpretive.”  –  Eliott Erwitt   A bright sunny summer day as the sun’s rays filter through the tree leaves.  This photo was…

February 7, 2019

LANDSCAPES: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

This week Amy wants us to show pictures of a few of our favorite Landscapes.  Ones we have seen in our travels and also those close to home we can enjoy at our leisure.  Other Landscape favorites are featured in Previous Blogs such as PATH,  SEASONAL and  FAVORITE PICTURES of 2018.   “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” –  Marcel Proust     “I live in a landscape, which every single day of my life is enriching.”  –  Daniel Day-Lewis   This is one of my favorite Landscape pictures, taken at The Ocean Golf Course, Kiawah Island, SC.  This scene is never static; the…

February 1, 2019

UNEXPECTED: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

This week Leya invites us to show images defining the word UNEXPECTED.  Hum….extra thought was required as to how best define this word with photographs.  Finally, a decision was made – show three pictures which reveal an UNEXPECTED outcome after editing. Below are copies of three original RAW pictures and immediately beneath each top image is its edited version.  What was so UNEXPECTED to me was the different image revealed from each photograph!   “Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph.”  –  Matt Hardy                       “In many…

January 26, 2019

CITY SCAPES: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

For this week’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, Patti invites us to “share a cityscape of one city or several cities with populations in the thousands or millions.  Near our home or thousands of miles away, most importantly, show the big picture view.” When thinking about big cities – what is it about a city that attracts some people or can cause others to try to avoid them as much as possible!  Do you enjoy visiting a city, would you like to live in one if you don’t already?  Personally, I like cities and would probably be happy living in one since I’m married to a “city guy” who loves them. To me,…

January 18, 2019

CURVES: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

This week Tina invites us to think about Curves;  “…pay some attention to curves  – in nature, in architecture, on our roads and in our lives … just about everywhere if you think about it.” Curves can be defined many ways; as a rounded line or shape, a curve ball is something baseball players and fans know all about, school test papers graded on a curve and then there is the person or organization that strives to stay ahead of the curve instead of behind it!  I decided on a few unrelated pictures showing curves as smooth, rounded lines, shapes or path.  Except for the last image these pictures were taken in Charleston, SC…

January 11, 2019

MY TRAVELS: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

This week Amy challenges us show memorable pictures taken during My Travels.  Last week’s photo challenge was Favorite Pictures in 2018 and since traveling was the highlight of our year many of My Travel images were featured then.  (See Travel Pictures of 2018 under Recent Posts on the right hand side.)   To accept Amy’s challenge this week I decided to show some favorite pictures from previous trips to Florida. Disney World in Orlando is one of the more popular attractions in Florida.  Who doesn’t have a warm spot in their heart after seeing the Lady and The Tramp animated cartoon, or can resist smiling at some of Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog’s…