February 8, 2025

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #333 Dogs and Cats

“A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad”.  Tina suggests we show some pictures of dogs and cats. There has always been dogs and cats in our life. All our dogs have been  American Cocker Spaniels and their names are Bucky, Willard, Winston, Spencer, Bentley and Tucker. All loved playing games and were great companions. I selected a few random photos of them playing games with each other and also when they had some quiet moments.   Clicking on a picture will enlarge it. Play Time: taking turns pushing the ball over the top step. Winston runs to retrieve…

September 6, 2019

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #61 PRECIOUS PETS

This week Tina invites us to share pictures and a few thoughts about precious pets that have been in our life or have somehow touched us.  I cannot remember being without a pet of some sort and usually had several different ones at the same time – because our family consisted of three boys! Need I say more??   The assortment of “pets” varied over the years; a parakeet, a snake or two, ferrets, a few frogs, lizards, and tank full of tropical fish.  The more traditional (or normal) pets over the years were several Irish Setters, a rescued Siberian husky, a poodle, two Himalayan cats and American cocker spaniels.  Now that…