July 4, 2019

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #52 SERENITY

This week Tina chose to challenge us with the word SERENITY.  Looking through my pictures it became obvious I tend to be drawn to serene landscapes.  I guess it is visual and mental peace, stillness and tranquility of the moment that captures my attention in the otherwise hectic life style I lead.  A popular definition of Serenity is the absence of mental stress or anxiety, a state of peace and quiet; perhaps this is the reason why I have enjoyed practicing yoga over the years.


“Serenity opens the door to inspiration and creativity.” – unknown


When coming upon this inviting scene I thought how wonderful it would be to sit for a while in one of these chairs and soak up the natural beauty of the sky and reflection of the sun on the Caribbean sea.  It would be wonderful to feel the gentle breeze from swaying palm trees and listen to the calm, rhythmic sound of waves washing onto the shore.  Unfortunately I could only dream of doing this since my husband and I were dressed for dinner at this popular restaurant which is located a few feet behind these chairs.  This serene setting is by The Pavilion Restaurant, Christophe Harbour, Basseterre St. Kitts.


“Serenity is the tranquil balance of heart and mind.” – Harold W. Becker


While on the beach at Kiawah Island, SC one lovely October evening, I watched the sun go down behind some homes and noticed the full moon was already visible over the Atlantic Ocean.  This local shrimp boat captain was on his last run of the day before heading back to the fishing docks.  I felt lucky to be able to capture the beautiful colors in front of me; the serenity of this tranquil scene was breathtaking.



The peaceful serenity of the colors in the sky seem to be in sharp contrast to the vertical shadows on the golf green.  These next two images caught my attention when taking an evening walk on Cougar Point Golf Course, Kiawah Island Golf Resort, on Kiawah Island, South Carolina.


“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but finding peace deep within in.” – unknown


The quiet serenity of this scene was compelling with the sun’s reflection vividly bringing the base of a dead tree and marsh grasses to life.   


Can you image how nice it would be to sit on the bench in the bottom right hand corner or on the one at the top of this hill and allow the serenity of this garden surround you with calmness and peace.  This restful scene was taken at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens, Norfolk, Virginia, several years ago.


“Every breath we take, every step we make can be filled with Peace, Joy and Serenity.  We need only be awake, alive in the present moment.” – Thick NhatHanh