February 8, 2025

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #333 Dogs and Cats

“A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad”. 

Tina suggests we show some pictures of dogs and cats. There has always been dogs and cats in our life. All our dogs have been  American Cocker Spaniels and their names are Bucky, Willard, Winston, Spencer, Bentley and Tucker. All loved playing games and were great companions. I selected a few random photos of them playing games with each other and also when they had some quiet moments.   Clicking on a picture will enlarge it.

Play Time: taking turns pushing the ball over the top step. Winston runs to retrieve it for Spencer so he will have a turn.

The baby is protecting his toys while playing tug of war with a sock.

Stressful moments for Spencer after Bentley took his blue ball and left him with the red one!

Counter surfing: Spencer is showing Bentley how it’s done.

Time for a treat, my husband loves handing them out. These three dogs are Willard, Winston and Spencer.

Time out for a short nap after a vigorous game of tug-of-war with the rope.

A well deserved rest for Spencer. Morning play times can be tiring at times.

Bentley and Chester watching my husband prepare their dinner.

Tucker is our only loving companion now. The other day he was busy tussling with his toys until something outside caught his eye.

Since Tina’s challenge also included cats, I would be remiss not to show pictures of our two Himalayan cats. They were with us during the years our boys were in high school. Sonya, our Blue Point Himalayan lived about 23 years old and TJ, her son, a Chocolate Point, lived about 18 years. During those school years we also had Bubbles, a white toy poodle, and Bucky, our first Cocker Spaniel. Bucky is with Sonty in the picture below.

Hope you have enjoyed seeing these pictures of our beloved pets. Losing a pet is always hard. Remembering their love and the good times makes it a little easier since they still live in our memories. Many thanks to Tina for this topic, it brought back many treasured memories. 

I will close with a great quote I recently found by Jon Katz.

“Animals have come to mean so much in our lives. We live in a fragmented and disconnected culture. Politics are ugly, religion is struggling, technology is stressful, and the economy is unfortunate. What’s one thing that we have in our lives that we can depend on? A dog or a cat loving us unconditionally, every day, very faithfully.” 


On another note, my seven year old computer has been giving me lots of problems over the past month or so. Now a new one is due to arrive later next week, I can hardly wait! 


8 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #333 Dogs and Cats

  1. Having had the pleasure of meeting some of your pups Sylvia, I can attest to their being as beautiful and sweet in real life as they are in your post. Happy to have given you the opportunity to share them with us. As for your computer, if it’s as old as mine was, buckle up!!

    1. LOL, Tina, you forewarned me earlier about replacing my old PC so I’m getting prepared ahead of time. It should arrive sometime this coming week. And thank you for the kind words about our pets. Many great memories and they all brought us so much joy with their fun-loving antics!

    1. Thank you Egidio, and yes, lots for fur, especially with the kitties! So glad you enjoyed seeing everyone’s picture.

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