September 14, 2024

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #315 Comon Objects

“The extent to which we take everyday objects for granted is the precise extent to which they govern and inform our lives.” – Margaret Visser

The challenge this week is to feature Common Objects around us. To look for mundane everyday things and allow others to see them in a different light. To appreciate the ‘beauty’ and significance of objects that often go unnoticed and find inspiration and joy in simple things around us.

The banner picture of bicycles is a reminder of how enjoyable it can be riding a bike! A common thing that most people have. Another ordinary object and something generally taken for granted is a cup of coffee or in this case a refreshing glass of cold brew coffee right after cream has been added. 

Something else taken for granted would be a TV, ours is mounted on the wall over the fireplace mantle. (We don’t look at cartoons much but this show looked interesting!!)

The windshield on our car. As we were driving down the road these first big rain drops made an interesting pattern on the glass (before my hsuband turned the wipers on).

Street signs are a common sight where ever we go. They can be seen in many differnt colors and designs all around the world.

This last common object was once nice looking wooden bench from someones yard or a public area until it was discarded an open field.

“There is beauty in the most common things to those who have eyes to see.” – unknown

Ritva (of Ritva Sillanmaki Photography) selected this great topic for the week. I was surprised how difficult it was to select only a few everyday common objects for this post, so many things to chose from!

In closing I would like to share another favorite quote for the week:

“To me, photography is an art of observation, it’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. – Elliot Erwitt


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