May 25, 2024

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #300 Delicate

Our host this week, Ann-Christine, suggests we think about the word Delicate and what it means to us. I generally tend to think about certain creatures seen in nature that appear fragile and delicate. Some actually are delicate while others look that way even though they are strong, For example, the sun shining on the wings of this egret shows off the delicate structure of its strong wings.

Even though Dragonflies have translucent and fragile looking wings, they are much stronger than they appear.

This caterpillar stranded on these few twigs below is quite fragile and delicate and probably not able to take care of itself.

These fragile Loggerhead Turtles recently erupted from their nest and are headed to the ocean. Even though they are very delicate they are capable of swimming hundreds of miles before stopping to rest and feed.

The Marbled White, Melanargia galathea, butterfly is an exquisite, delicate beauty.

My closing picture shows these adorable puppies.  At the age of ten weeks they are still delicate but do not remain that way very long!

For the header image this week, I selected a painterly picture showing delicate, dancing lights on a wine glass and table cloth.

Hope you have enjoyed seeing these few examples of what Delicate means to me.

Wishing you a good week ahead, be kind and stay safe where ever you go!


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