January 20, 2024

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #282 Dramatic

What does it mean to photograph a dramatic scene or create a dramatic looking picture in post processing? What makes a picture appear dramatic? It is said a dramatic mood can be created by anything that evokes strong emotions in the viewer and gets the imagination going, or is mysterious, exciting, scary or unusual. Below are a few of my favorites which seem to fit this defination. 

Dramatic Old House!

This house in Maine is perched atop a seaside cliff which juts out into the Atlantic Ocean. Interestly, last summer on the internet I saw its photo along with an advertisment about an FBI mystery thriller novel being for sale on Amazon. 

Dramatic Reaction!

When Tucker was a young puppy he loved to grab at Bentley’s ears. The picture below shows one of the many times Tucker would latch onto Ben’s ear and Ben would jumped up in in the air in an attempt to get away. Fortunately, Ben is a gentle old soul and they are now inseparable.

Dramatic Colors!

The strong colors in this photo plus its abstract appearance (created in post editing) gives the image a dramatic feel. On this rainy day in Burano, Italy, the sidewalk looks shiny and shows lovely reflections of the colorful shops lining the walkway.

Dramatic Damage!

A few weeks ago two dangerous coastal storms hit Kiawah Island about a week apart. The worst of the two caused flooding on parts of the Island and many trees fell, we even had an oak tree fall on our house. Fortunately though, it only hit the corner so the damage was not as bad as it could have been. The picture below shows how part of the beach still looks. It also highlights the important role sand dunes play in protecting life and personal property during dangerous storm surges. Fortuately, we do not experience them very often.

The dramatic looking sky in the header shot was also captured on Kiawah a few years ago. I remember how surreal it felt to see everything blanketed in red from the colors in the sky. 

Thanks goes to Patti for selecting this great topic so be sure to see her wonderful pictures by clicking here.

Wishing everyone a good week ahead and to be safe and stay healthy!

“It is my intention to present – through the medium of photography – intuitive observations of the natural world which may have meaning to the spectators.” – Ansel Adam