Postcard pictures from the southern coast of Maine – show postcards or our own pictures which could be used for postcards and which create happy memories. Years ago I collected postcards when traveling to remind me of interesting sights and happy memories. Now in the era of digital photography it is easy to snap a picture and design my own postcards for friends. Friends like seeing them along with a brief note, a thank you or just ‘thinking of you’ message.
“I choose to collect memories instead of things.” – Elena Levon
Since I am in Maine now it only seems right to show my postcard pictures from here. The Maine coastline is quite picturesque with 65 statuesque lighthouses protecting the sailors at sea, the small tourist towns, active lobster fishing villages, history dating back to the early 1700’s and rocky coastlines accented with beautiful flowering plants and trees.
Hopefully these images give you a little taste of Maine’s history plus sights which are unique to this area. The first picture is of Spring Point Ledge Lighthouse (built in1898) in south Portland on the Casco Bay. It is one of the only caisson-style light station people can walk to.

The well known Portland Head Lighthouse in Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Built in 1791 and is the oldest lighthouse in Maine. This picture shows why lighthouses are so vital here, there are 65 along Maine’s coastline, inlets and islands.

Boothbay Town and Harbor, a popular tourist vacation site.

Ogunquit Museum of American Art is located on this lovely site which overlooks homes in Perkins Cove in Ogunquit.
Fort William Henry in Bristol. In its time, the fort was the largest one in New England, built in 1692.
View from an upper window in the fort, overlooking the Pemaquid River.
“I think the only answer is to live life to the fullest while you can and collect memories….Because in the end, that’s all you have – happy memories.” – Sarah Strohmeyer
Ana with Anvica’s Gallery is the guest host this week and wants us to feature postcards we have or pictures we can use as postcards. Be sure to enjoy her interesting post here!
Hope you enjoy these pictures and thank you for visiting my blog! (Each image can be enlarged by double clicking it.)
Please remember to Stay Safe, Be Kind and also Be Patient with Everyone you Encounter. A little kindness can go a long way.
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