May 5, 2019

HARMONY: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

This week Tina suggests we explore the word “Harmony” and show examples of it with our photography.  It can be experienced anywhere in life, music, art and nature.  One dictionary describes Harmony in nature or the arts as a sameness, the belonging of one thing to another, such as the repetition of elements like color, texture, shape, lines and form.  Experiencing it tends to creates an overall sense of peace and a visually calming rhythm.

Tina also encourages photographers to improve their skills by studying favorite images, our own and those of others.  Examine what draws us into an image and become aware of what we feel – peace, relaxation, love, strength, power.


“I am fascinated by what is beautiful, strong, healthy, what is living. I seek harmony.” – Leni Riefenstahl


The sky and reflections in the water around the pier, plus the pier it self, seem to create a very calming, quiet scene.


         “With an eye made quiet by the power of harmony, and the deep power of joy, we see into the life of things.”        William Wordsworth


The Harmony created by the soft blues and rosy tones from the setting sun create a simple, peaceful image in another way.



Evening is approaching.  The sun is beginning to set causing the colors of the marsh grasses to become more golden looking in contrast to the light blue colors on the boat and water. 


“There’s design, and there’s art. Good design is total harmony. There’s no better designer than nature – if you look at a branch or a leaf, it’s perfect. It’s all function…” – Diane von Furstenberg


This picture represents another kind of color Harmony – three colors located side by side on a 12 point color wheel.  These colors below are primarily green, yellow-green and yellow and known as analogous colors as opposed to primary or monochromatic colors.



This picture is an example of Harmony through design and color.  Most striking is the gracefully curved lines created by this oak tree when it was blown over, along with the repetition of the three tall trees on the right side.  


“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” – Thomas Merton


Thank you. Tina. for choosing the word “Harmony” for us to explore and learn more about its importance in life!  Click here to see Tina’s blog on Harmony.