August 18, 2018

PATTERNS: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

When thinking about the photo word of the week, I realized patterns are visible in most everything we see. And to become aware and appreciate the multiple patterns which make up a scene or object, one needs to stop a moment and “really look” at their surroundings.   “Find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the patterns of the shadows, the light and dark which that thing provides.”  ∼  Tunichiro Tanizaki ——- Bailey Island Bridge, or Cribstone Bridge, was originally built in the 1920s and its unusual pattern design is deliberate so it can withstand the tides and winds of Maine.  According to the website Atlas Oscura,  “the…

August 4, 2018

SOFT: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

  My favorite imagine of soft has to be this mother and calf expressing affection in a soft, tender moment.  These bottlenose dolphins live year around in the Kiawah River on the western end of Kiawah Island, SC by Capt Sams Spit.  These pods are among the few in the world who strand-feed which is a learned behavior taught over the generations.  Their favorite food is mullet; the dolphins work in groups to drive schools of mullet on the shore and then beach themselves to trap the fish and feed.  Many pictures of this unique behavior is on the internet, to read more search “Kiawah Island, SC bottlenose dolphins”.  …