May 7, 2022

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: #197 Rule of Thirds

What is the Rule of Thirds?  It’s a compositional technique that divides your frame into an equal, three-by-three grid with two horizontal lines and two vertical lines intersecting at four points.  When placing main subject(s) on one or more of these focal points the image more pleasing to the eye and helps to create a balanced or visually interesting image.

If you are not familiar with this rule, it is easy to experiment to see if you think it makes a difference.  Some cameras can display the superimposed grid over the image in addition most editing software programs offer it when cropping.  Although like most rules, it is ok to break it at times!  There is a lot of information available explaining this rule, a couple of sites are Range Finder and

The banner picture is shown again below with the grid superimposed over it. These other pictures also show where the subject intersects on a focal point(s).

What do you think – looking at the two pictures below, which one do you like best?  Why?  Do you think following this rule at times would make a difference in the quality of your pictures? Personally, I know it will help mine!

Like me, I hope you learned a little more about the rule of thirds. Thank You, Tina, for selecting this topic and showing us another way to make our pictures more interesting.  Be sure to see her post by clicking here.

 Remember to stay safe and healthy and be kind to others!